Diocese of Camden

Echo 20 Camden Community
Maggie Schoening, Francesca Casarella, Kayla MacLeod

Maggie Schoening

Echo Class:
Echo 20 Theology Teacher

Echo Placement:
Diocese of Camden
Camden Catholic High School

Indianapolis, Indiana

Undergraduate Institution & Area(s) of Study:
Benedictine College, 2023
Theology and Secondary Education with a minor in Music

What attracted you to Echo and helped you decide to join the program?
The focus on the holistic formation of the person and intentional faith communities really attracted me to the Echo program. I was desiring to pursue my M.A. in Theology at other universities but the unique support and formation by the Echo staff and the other apprentices in the program attracted me to further my formation not only academically, but also spiritually, pastorally, and communally.

What kinds of things will you be doing at your Echo placement?
Not only will I be teaching a section of 11th grade theology, but I am assisting in campus ministry by preparing for school liturgies, organizing service hours, co-teaching the Christian Ministry class for student leaders, and planning and aiding in leading retreats.

Francesca Casarella

Echo Class:
Echo 20 Theology Teacher

Echo Placement:
Diocese of Camden
Gloucester Catholic High School

South Bend, Indiana

Undergraduate Institution & Area(s) of Study:
University of Notre Dame, 2023

What are your favorite hobbies and activities outside of your ministry/teaching work?
I love to hike, spend time exploring nature and discovering new places to get coffee/food/drinks in parts of the surrounding townships and cities. I love exploring urban and rural areas and going on impromptu adventures.

What attracted you to Echo and helped you decide to join the program?
Talking with my peers in undergrad, my own inability to express the depth of the faith that I know and try to live became very apparent to me. Echo provided me with perfect opportunity to improve my ability to communicate the faith through hands on workplace experience and to grow in my understanding of the intellectual foundations of Catholicism.

Kayla MacLeod

Echo Class:
Echo 20 Apprentice Campus Minister

Echo Placement:
Diocese of Camden
Paul VI High School

Savannah, Georgia

Undergraduate Institution & Area(s) of Study:
Georgia Institute of Technology, 2023
Business Administration (Marketing)

What have you enjoyed most about your Echo experience thus far?
I have really enjoyed the community between fellow Echo students, faculty, and staff. Also, summer classes were so interesting and I am excited to continue to learn in my placement.

What advice would you give to Echo applicants?
Even if you are unsure if you are called to Echo just apply! You never know what door God is trying to open for you and He will make it clear if you are called to this program!