Diocese of St. Augustine

2020StAugustineAdriana Rivera, George Doyle, Kayla Garza

Adriana Rivera

Echo Class:
Echo 17 Parish Apprentice

Echo Placement:
Office of Christian Formation

Ponce, Puerto Rico

Undergraduate Institution & Area(s) of Study:
University of Notre Dame, 2016
Visual Communication Design

What have you enjoyed most about your Echo experience thus far?
Community nights! There’s nothing better than coming home after a long day of work, eating a delicious meal prepared by your community members, praying together, and staying up late playing board games. (It’s more fun if you don’t lose every time.)

George Doyle

Echo Class:
Echo 17 Parish Apprentice

Echo Placement:
St. Joseph's Catholic Church

Montgomery, Minnesota

Undergraduate Institution & Area(s) of Study:
Saint John's University, 2020
Political Science, Theology, Music (minor)

What attracted you to Echo and helped you decide to join the program?
More than anything, it was the witness of the current Echo students present at my campus visit. I had already made up my mind that I was going a different route, but I couldn't help but be inspired by the character and the gifts of the people I met at the interview weekend. I knew that if Echo could do that with me, too, then that's where I needed to be.

Kayla Garza

Echo Class:
Echo 17 Parish Apprentice

Echo Placement:
San Juan Del Rio Catholic Church

Houston, Texas

Undergraduate Institution & Area(s) of Study:
University of St. Thomas, 2019

What do you hope to do after Echo?
Going into this program, I have decided to keep an open mind in where God is calling me. Throughout my undergrad, I have been really passionate about youth ministry, and as of now that is where I would still like to evangelize. However, if I see that God is calling me elsewhere I will be open to that calling.