Diocese of Fall River

Echo 20 Fall River
Conner Cummings, Jacqueline Hale, David Savidge

Conner Cummings

Echo Class:
Echo 20 Parish Apprentice

Echo Placement:
Diocese of Fall River
St. Mary Catholic Parish

Alexandria Bay, New York

Undergraduate Institution & Area(s) of Study:
SUNY Potsdam, 2019
Business Administration (Major) Communications (Minor)

Previous Professional Experience
Campus Minister (2019-2022), Summer Camp Director (2019-2022)

What attracted you to Echo and helped you decide to join the program?
After falling in love with campus ministry, I really struggled with how I could further grow in my ability to serve those I am ministering to. A colleague I had at the time shared an advertisement for Echo with me and it really felt like a nudging from the Holy Spirit to further my education. I entered into the application process for Echo and the Holy Spirit ultimately led me to be here!

What have you enjoyed most about your Echo experience thus far?
Being a part of the Echo community. An unexpected perk of being in the Echo program for me was all of the friendships that I have developed over the past 6 months. From my interview, to the first days of orientation, to living in community; I have fostered countless friendships and memories that I know I will cherish for a lifetime!

Jacqueline Hale

Echo Class:
Echo 20 Parish Apprentice

Echo Placement:
Diocese of Fall River
St. Joseph, Guardian of the Holy Family Parish

Brookline, New Hampshire

Undergraduate Institution & Area(s) of Study:
Liberty University, 2022
Journalism, Natural Sciences, History

What is your favorite quote, song, or image?
"A life not lived for others is not a life" - Saint Teresa of Calcutta. Giving two years to serve the church is a big leap for many (including myself), but this quote reminds me that living a fully vibrant life means living not for myself but for others. God is using this time for His glory and my good.

What attracted you to Echo and helped you decide to join the program?
What attracted me to Echo was the chance to encounter, befriend, and be challenged by a hoard of young Catholics totally on fire for their faith. Going to interview weekend confirmed this attraction. Never have I been with a group of people so friendly, so willing to know you and hear your story. I knew this was a place where I would be challenged to grow and met with so much love.

David Savidge

Echo Class:
Echo 20 Parish Apprentice

Echo Placement:
Diocese of Fall River
St. John the Evangelist

Dumfries, Virginia

Undergraduate Institution & Area(s) of Study:
Mount Saint Mary’s University, 2021
Philosophy, History (minor)

Graduate Institution & Area of Study
George Mason University, May 2023
MBA in Applied History

Previous Professional Experience
Historical Interpreter, 2023, Special Education Inclusion Aide, 2020-2023

What is your favorite quote, song, or image?
My favorite quote can be found in Miguel de Cervantes's novel Don Quixote. The character of Don Quixote states "Destiny guides our fortunes more favorably than we could have expected." This applies to every person's life if one properly reflects on their life. The divine providence of God can be seen in every facet of our life and He has blessed us in all things, including the bad things.

What advice would you give to Echo applicants?
The advice I would give ECHO applicants is to remind them that the hardest part of discerning ECHO is the initial discernment about applying. Taking the initiative to talk with ECHO staff or loved ones about your future is difficult but if one approaches it with prayer and determination the fragments of the answer you are looking for become clearer. Have hope.