Called & Co-Responsible: Summer Seminars for Church Life Renewal presents "Co-Responsibility for the Mission of the Church"


"Co-Responsibility for the Mission of the Church"

  • Dr. John Cavadini, McGrath-Cavadini Director, McGrath Institute for Church Life


The McGrath Institute for Church Life is hosting a series of virtual seminars throughout summer 2020 aimed at empowering pastoral leaders and scholars for the work of renewing the Church, especially in light of present challenges. This series builds upon the “Called & Co-Responsible” conference convened in March 2020, which explored and promoted the shared responsibility of all the baptized for the evangelizing mission of the Church. With special attention to how the pandemic in recent months has disrupted the typical rhythms of dioceses, parishes, schools, and home life, the call to co-responsibility is as timely as ever. Seminars in this series will follow that call by examining how the laity and clergy might together commit to renewing the life of the Church both now and into the future. Seminars in the series will include pastoral presentations, case studies of pastoral approaches, and discussions among participants. See here for complete schedule.