Inklings Project Fellowship | Call for Proposals


The Inklings Project requests fellowship applications from faculty at universities and colleges to encourage the teaching of the works of the Inklings, especially but not limited to C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien. Grants in the amount of $1,500 are awarded to Fellows for creating and teaching Inklings-related courses.

The team welcomes a variety of courses that delve into the works of the Inklings and engage students (e.g., a freshman writing seminar, a course engaging STEM students, in-person or online/hybrid venues). These courses may focus on fiction and/or nonfiction and may also include the writings of related authors (e.g., G. K. Chesterton, Dorothy Sayers, George MacDonald). Faculty from all disciplines, including STEM, are encouraged to apply. Applications from faculty with no prior experience teaching the Inklings, as well as experienced faculty who endeavor to expand their course to a new audience (e.g., through a new setting or pedagogical format), are especially welcome.

The Inklings Project aims to provide students and professors with new opportunities to engage in meaningful discussions about enduring themes like goodness and evil, joy and pain, heroism and meaning. By reading great literature together students are able to examine their own lives in more fruitful ways. The idea began more than a decade ago at Brown University, where Dr. Timothy Flanigan created an undergraduate seminar called “Beyond Narnia: the Literature of C.S. Lewis.”

Leonard DeLorenzo, Ph.D. is facilitating the Inklings Project on Notre Dame’s campus through the McGrath Institute for Church Life.

Fellowship applications are due July 1, 2024. For more information, please visit