2015 Notre Dame Center for Liturgy Symposium

McKenna Hall

The 2015 Notre Dame Center for Liturgy Symposium will explore the biblical, liturgical, pastoral and theological implications of the rites of marriage and ordination for the Church today.

“…some of us are married and some are not. Some of us are called to be priests and ministers and some are not. But the sacraments of matrimony and priesthood concern all of us, because they concern our life as vocation. The meaning, the essence and the end of all vocation, is the mystery of Christ and the Church. It is through the Church that each one of us finds that the vocation of all vocations is to follow Christ in the fullness of His priesthood: in His love for man and the world, His love for their ultimate fulfillment in the abundant life of the Kingdom” (Alexander Schmemann, For the Life of the World, 94).

More information and Register: http://liturgy.nd.edu/events/liturgy-symposium/