MICL Staff Resources

McGrath Branded items

Once a year, an order will be placed for all materials needed for the upcoming summer programming. An email with an order form will be sent out in the spring. Programs will be charged per quantities requested. Once the order is received, it will be distributed to each program; the remainder will be held for general use. Please see notes below on location, cost etc. If you need to check-out any of the display items please submit this request form 4 weeks in advance of the event date.


What we have:

How and where do I get them?

Associated cost?





Journals (rm. 240)

McGrath lookbooks (rm. 240)

These are located in storage room, (Rm. 306) outside Valerie’s office. After summer distribution, you may request items; you will need to sign the sign-out sheet, stating how many you have taken.

After the initial summer order pay out for each program, you may be charged for amounts in excess of 10, depending on the item. Please see Valerie.

Display items:

McGrath freestanding banners (2 sets)

McGrath tablecloths

(2x8ft; 2x6ft)


These are located in storage room (Rm. 306) outside Valerie’s office. Requests for the banners and tablecloths should be emailed to Valerie 4 weeks in advance; this will allow us to coordinate use for the various conferences attended.


McGrath merchandise:

Ceramic mugs

Travel mugs

Water bottles

Messenger bags

Tote bags


These are located in Room 240. Please see a Communications team member to request items.

After the initial summer order paid for each program, you may be charged, depending on the item and quantity needed.

Program specific items:

Vision T-shirts
CYM T-shirts

Echo polo shirts

Saturdays with the Saints T-shirts

Please contact a team member for the specific group. Saturdays with the Saints T-shirts will be in rm. 306.


McGrath faculty/staff authored books

Please see Susan in Rm. 342 for availability.

Dependent on quantity requested