Between Time and Eternity

Collection Teaching Materials

Subject Areas

Between Time and Eternity

  • Contemporary Cosmology

    Teaching Materials


    Contemporary Cosmology and the Question of God

    In this unit, we discuss the modern scientific understanding of the existence and nature of the universe, and how it has both challenged and enriched the Christian’s ability to believe in God.

  • Genesis 1 Literature Or Theology

    Teaching Materials


    Genesis 1: Literature or Theology?

    The lessons in this unit are intended to lead students to an understanding of a Catholic view of Biblical inspiration, inerrancy, hermeneutics, and exegesis.

  • Humans And Race

    Teaching Materials


    Humans and Race

    This lesson focuses on the biology of human skin color and the misunderstanding of race as a biological construct.

  • Light From Light

    Teaching Materials


    Light from Light

    The "Light from Light" lesson unit discusses the nature of science, the scientific method, the humanness of science, and the idea of mystery.

  • The Difference A Self Makes

    Teaching Materials


    The Difference a Self Makes

    Participants in this lesson unit will discuss the unique human difference of the “self” and the scientific and theological foundations of human nature.

  • Mystery And Light

    Teaching Materials


    The Mystery of Light and Wave-Particle Duality

    Through this lesson unit, participants will see the mystery of light unfold as it was studied by philosophers and scientists throughout the centuries.

  • What Makes Humans Unique

    Teaching Materials


    What Makes Humans Unique

    This lesson seeks to show how the ordinary, everyday phenomenon of language reveals humanity’s extraordinary disposition for truth and, accordingly, for God.